
Non-profit Customer Of The Month

We are proud that many of our area’s non-profits trust us with their print products – flyers, posters, thank you cards, and appeals. We want to showcase these non-profit partners, serving Champaign-Urbana and the surrounding areas. Our community is full of organizations doing incredible work, providing essential support and services to many. Each month, we highlight a non-profit partner and a recent print project we’ve tackled together. It’s our way of celebrating their hard work and the difference they make. From event posters to informational brochures, these projects help share their story and mission. Dive in with us to learn more about these local heroes and the impact they have right here at home.

Cunningham Children's Home

This month, we’re featuring Cunningham Children’s Home and their impactful annual report. Cunningham supports kids facing emotional, behavioral, and educational challenges, offering everything from residential treatment to special education and community-based services. Their Noel Education Center focuses on students needing intensive support, helping them develop crucial skills for success in public schools. Besides education, Cunningham provides a safe residential environment for youth with various challenges, supported by a team of caring professionals and therapists. They also extend community services, including counseling and independent living support, empowering young people to thrive.

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